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18 October 2012

A to Z Project List for EC

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16_Channel water level controller
3phase monitor
4 digital object counter
4” 2 printer sharers
8-Channel water level controller
8 digit pulse counter
8 channel IR remote control
A GPS map digitization program Ac and Dc motor control system Accident alertness in vehicles Accident identification system
Accident identification with auto dialer
Adaptive differential pulse code modulation a
Adaptive lighting system for automobiles Addressable remote transmitter through a communication
Advance encryption standard using micro
Advancer fm power line intercom Advertising display using LED & LCD Agricultural Plant watering systems
Air & fuel ratio control system for fumace

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16 October 2012

Electro Dynamic Tether

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Called an Electrodynamic tether provides a simple and reliable alternative to the conventional rocket thrusters.Functionally, electrons flow from the space plasma into the conductive tether, are passed through a resistive load in a control unit and are emitted into the space plasma by an electron emitter as free electrons. In principle, compact high- current tether power generators are possible and, with basic hardware, tens, hundreds, and thousands of kilowatts appears to be attainable.
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Cloud Computing Seminar Report

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Computers   have  become   an  indispensable   part  of  life.  We  need computers everywhere, be it for work, research or in any such field. As the use of computers in our day-to-day life increases, the computing resources that we need also go up. For companies  like Google  and Microsoft,  harnessing  the resources as and when they need it is not a problem. But when it comes to smaller enterprises, affordability becomes a huge factor. With the huge infrastructure   come  problem like  machines   failure,   hard  drive  crashes, software bugs, etc. This might be a big headache for such a community. Cloud Computing offers a solution to this situation.
 Cloud computing is a paradigm shift in which computing is moved away from personal computers and even the individual enterprise application server to cloud’  of  computers.  A cloud  is virtualized  server  pool  which  can provide the different computing resources of their clients. Users of this system need only be concerned with the computing service being asked for. The underlying details of how it is achieved are hidden from the user. The data and the services provided reside in massively scalable data centers and can be ubiquitously accessed from any connected device all over the world.
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Free Space Optics Seminar Report

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            Free Space Optics (FSO) communications, also called Free Space Photonics (FSP) or Optical Wireless, refers to the transmission of modulated visible or infrared (IR) beams through the atmosphere to obtain optical communications. Like fiber, Free Space Optics (FSO) uses lasers to transmit data, but instead of enclosing the data stream in a glass fiber, it is transmitted through the air. Free Space Optics (FSO) works on the same basic principle as Infrared television remote controls, wireless keyboards or wireless Palm® devices. Optical free space communication is favourable for high data-rate, long-range point-to-point links, where the terminal size, mass, and power is limited, as for example on aeronautical or space platforms. Main advantages lie in a significantly higher data rate and the lower power/ space requirements of optical links compared to RF.One future application for optical links is the use on high altitude platforms (HAPs), which will be positioned at altitudes of about 20 to 30 km. Inter-platform links can have a range of at least 600km at these altitudes without cloud interference.HAPs do have the advantage of being more cost effective compared to satellites due to lower launch costs and also the possibility of easier maintenance and reconfiguration.Free space optics (FSO) is an emerging technology that has found application in several areas of the communications from inter-satellite links to inter-building links, it has been tried and tested. As with any technology, FSO has worked much better in some applications than in others.

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